The NewYorck is a space for emancipatory projects in Kreuzberg. We fought for it through an occupation in 2005 in the context of the autonomous house struggles and still see ourselves as part of the movement. The space is filled with life by an alliance of diverse groups that see themselves as anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist. Together, we are shaping NewYorck into a place where we can exchange ideas, organize and support each other. In our independent/self-organization, we try to realise the social concepts we are fighting for on a small scale.

What moves us…

As an association of different groups, it is not easy to find a common position on many topics and it is not always necessary. Here are the latest news from the individual groups. Joint publications can be found in the archive.

  • Viele Initiativen im Netzwerk suchen auch im Jahr 2024 händeringend nach neuen Lehrenden, so wohl für den Online- als auch […]

Something is going on…

As an emancipatory movement, we need to organise ourselves, inform each other, discuss and sometimes relax together. In addition to many internal meetings for organising, there are also public events in the NewYorck. Regular Küfas and one-off events organised by groups from within and outside the NewYorck. The next events are:

Offene Stunde von "Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie"

27.01. 2025 17:30 Offene Stunde von "Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie" Regionalgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg Kennenlernen, Infos, Austausch, Aktionsplanung – seid dabei, wenn ihr euch vorstellen könnt, euch im Bündnis gegen die Tierindustrie zu engagieren! Wir…
  • meeting

Antimilitarist meeting – Rheinmetall Entwaffnen

27.01. 2025 18:30 English below Antimilitaristisches Treffen – Rheinmetall Entwaffnen  Seit 2018 organisiert Rheinmetall Entwaffnen regelmäßig kleine und größere Aktionen gegen Aufrüstung, Abschottung, Waffenproduktion und Rüstungsexporte. Das jährliche antimilitaristische Aktionscamp ist ein wichtiger…
  • meeting
  • meeting

Anarchistisches Infocafé

27.01. 2025 20:00 Infoveranstaltung zur Kampagne„NS-Verherrlichung stoppen”   Die 2001 ins Leben gerufenen Kampagne „NS-Verherrlichung stoppen” hat geschichtsrevisionistische Nazi-Aufmärsche im Fokus: z.B. die Rudolf-Heß-Gedenk-Märsche in Wunsiedel und später in Berlin Spandau, den „Lukov-Marsch“…
  • bar/cafe
  • discussion/presentation
  • food

test ny

31.12. 2025 21:00 test  Adresse Mariannenplatz 2A Berlin Deutschland
  • children's activity

test ohne Adresse

31.12. 2025 22:00 ohne adresse
  • children's activity

We are many…

What the NewYorck stands for and what we fight for is best illustrated by the projects that are part of the structure. The NewYorck is jointly designed, used and managed by many groups. With offices, hackspace, storage, kitchen and event spaces, the facilities allow for different forms of political organising and coming together. Here is a random selection of the groups. (An almost complete list can be found on the All projects page).