This database collects information on occupations since 1970 and contains various different categories (duration of occupation, legalization or eviction, ownership, organized groups and collectives, activities, repression, type of contracts, sources, media, webpage, comments, photos etc.)

The trilingual (German, English, Spanish) database can be seen and understood as a unfinished product, as a work in progress.
The database is incomplete and fragmentary and therefore we ask you for your collaboration and support to refine it and make it more informative.
So if you have more information which is missing or if you wish to correct something, please do not hesitate and contact us at this email:
We will include this information in our database which will then be inputted and continuously updated on the webpage Berlin Besetzt, the illustrated map of squatting in Berlin.
This database can also been seen at the webpage of the international network SqEK, a network of activists and researchers working on/with the issue of squatting.